Jun 13


A quick update, I got another uni assignment completed and in the mail which I am excited about. I still have one more to go which I plan on completing in the next couple of days…..as it was due on Friday!!! Had a show of Miss Saigon last night and have a matinee today. It’s going well, having great fun playing it although there are some very challenging parts. I got some stuff last night I hadn’t been able to play before which was kinda cool. I enjoy it when that happens and especially it seems to work better when you’re not trying so hard for it to work….weird!!??

Have some exciting things coming up with my internet ventures with the opportunity to build some more websites and to promote a product I think is just awesome. Looking forward to seeing what they come up with for us to promote it and how it will work out. Will keep you updated here.

Really should go and start getting ready for the show this afternoon. Catch you later!!

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Jun 09

This will just be a quick post. I should be doing my uni assignments but am having trouble with motivation. I have decided I am a very good procrastinator but really need to change that so I can get on with things and have more time for blogging etc etc

I have 2 uni pieces to write before the end of the week. Not sure I’ll finish everything cos I do have a dress rehearsal for Miss Saigon tonight and a beginner concert at school tomorrow night as well as some private students. Will do my best and will see what happens. I was lucky enough to talk to a couple of fellow teachers earlier today for some help and guidance with one of my assignments which should make that a little easier to complete now. Still have to do it though.

Looking forward to playing tonight so I can stop thinking about the uni work for a little while. Alright…..I should get on with!!!

Jun 07

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