I’m really happy to one of my websites usedaltosaxophone.com is ranking well in the search engines at the moment. If I recall correctly, it’s #3 in Google, #1 in Yahoo & #2 in Bing. That’s exciting news for me and it’s been showing in the traffic over the last few days especially. Some additional revenue is also nice!!
Getting into the swing of term 4 of school now. Had a few interesting moments this week, a student has pulled out of an upcoming exam and I have one less student now at DCC but that will probably work out for the best. I have about 3 uni assignments left to finish and then I will have completed my Grad Dip Ed. Really looking forward to that even if I do put off doing them assignments as much as I can. Really need to work on the whole procrastination thing…..
It’s late, I have a webinar to attend and then bed but thought I’d write a little update first.